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Writer's pictureSerena Dyksen

The Bittersweet Reality of Mother's Day: Abortion Wounded and Their Hearts.

Psalm 34:5 Those who look to him are radiant; their faces are never covered in shame. This poor man called, and the Lord heard him. He saved them from all their troubles.

Mother's Day is complicated. It's mixed with a heart to celebrate my living children but also with a grief of the children you never got to hold. It's a hard day filled with many emotions. Over the years of peeling back my pain, I've realized mothering doesn't just belong to women who push babies out of their wombs. Many women are hurting and need your love and grace.

For many years, I shut down social media; it's hard to see all the happy people. Or don't get me started with how many Mother's Days I skipped church. Let's be honest: it's hard to see all the happy faces, and when they announce to come to get the flowers in the front of the church, it's mixed with, I don't deserve those flowers, I don't want those flowers and this day hurts.

Today, I want to remember my sisters in the abortion-wounded community. I see you as you shut down your social media and skip church. You're not alone. I see you and want to love on you. If you know someone who has shared that they had an abortion, text, call, and bring them flowers. Tell them you're thinking of them. It will mean the world for them to know you care. If they trusted you enough to tell you about their abortion, they know you care for them. Love them well.

If you had an abortion last week or 30 years ago, we know Mother's Day hurts.

Here are some ways to help you process this day

It's ok to cry. Those tears are cleansing. Don't let anyone make you feel bad for crying, or don't you take the bait that you're not allowed to cry or don't deserve to mourn; abortion is childless, just like a miscarriage. The grief is real, and it's healthy to cry.

Plant a flower or tree to remember them. It's ok to remember them. They are our children.

Please pick up a journal, write how you're feeling, and share those feelings in our regret group. We get it and understand. We are here for you. We have all been there.

Name your baby—If you don't know the gender, that's okay. Pray and ask. Go with your gut, or choose a gender-neutral name.

Go for a hike before starting your day. It's ok to take some time to be sad before moving on with your day. A hike will give you time to process before shifting to being around your other kids or other people who seem happy and don't get it.

Bring a trusted friend in. Maybe this year, you share your pain with a trusted friend. Invite them into your pain and allow them to walk with you.

The gift of healing; What does it look like to begin the gift of healing? Join a healing class this year to process and join a community of other women who understand. Women's Healing | She Found His Grace. Go to the She Found His Grace healing page to take the next steps.

Consider putting your baby's name at the National Memorial of the Unborn. You can add your baby's name to the wall of remembrance, or if you live close to the National Memorial for the Unborn, take a day trip. National Memorial for the Unborn

Lastly, if you need someone to talk to, text our helpline at 574-400-5272. You're not alone.

There is hope, healing, forgiveness, and freedom after abortion.

She Found His Grace,


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