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She Found His Grace Abortion Recovery
A safe place to meet God's hope, healing, and forgiveness after abortion regret.
Welcome to the
She Found His Grace Tribe
Helping Men and Women Recover from the Wounds of Abortion
Have you been left hurting after an abortion? Your experience may have left you with feelings of:
Loss or being lost
Loneliness or isolation
Maybe you’ve kept your story a secret for many years out of fear of being judged by your friends, family, or church.
If so, you aren’t alone. She Found His Grace is a Christian abortion recovery ministry that helps women (and men!) struggling with abortion regret to break free from shame and guilt and find hope, healing, and forgiveness in Christ. Through classes with She Found His Grace, you can experience:
You’re not alone. God does forgive after abortion.
We understand taking the next step toward abortion recovery can be frightening. Whether your experience with abortion was forty years ago or last week, we are here to walk with you every step of the way.
Finding Grace After Abortion: She Found His Grace
Many women choose to keep their abortions a secret out of a sense of guilt, shame, or fear of being judged by their communities. They may struggle at all costs to hide from what is often a devastating part of their personal stories — even if it means leaving a gaping hole in their hearts. Abortion can leave us feeling stuck in our pain, not knowing how to move forward toward grace and freedom. It can leave us feeling unworthy, guilty, and alone.
If this sounds like you, we understand your pain. The good news is that abortion is only a chapter of your story, not your whole book. At She Found His Grace, we rely on Christian resources and a Christ-centered community to link arms with women and men who struggle with shame, guilt, and abortion regret. We are thankful you are here.
Listen to Serena Dyksen talk about how she found God's grace after abortion, or click the button to buy her book, She Found His Grace, to learn even more about her journey toward abortion recovery.
How Will Healing After Abortion Help Me?
Abortion healing helps you understand forgiveness.
Whether understanding God's forgiveness after abortion, how to forgive yourself, or forgiving others, the
assurance of God's love, even after abortion, helps us discover our identity in Christ.
Many struggle to believe who we are and whose we are. And that the cross has the final say about our past abortion. Going through healing classes will help you break free from shame and turns your pain into purpose.
We finally are free to grieve our loss. We gain our motherhood and fatherhood mantel back. We get help recognizing our roots of anger and are given tools to help us break from shame and guilt. We get help discovering our triggers, helping us process them in a healthy way to freedom!

Abortion Recovery for Men
Abortion hurts men, too.
In response to the growing need for faith-based healing, He Found His Grace is dedicated to helping men recover from the pain and loss that come with abortion. So many men silently carry the burden of abortion’s impact, especially the deep sense of lost fatherhood. Through God’s grace, He Found His Grace offers a path to healing, restoration, and redemption — empowering men to embrace their role as fathers, whether in grief or in hope for the future.
Abortion can affect men in several ways, including:
drug abuse
difficulties holding a job
dysfunctional relationships
sexual dysfunction
bonding with living children.
He Found His Grace offers Christ-centered classes that address the journey of men whose lives have been affected by abortion. Men meet online or in person to explore the ways abortion has impacted them and begin the process of recovery.
This is what one man said about our class, Healing after Abortion:
"I was part of two abortions, the first one being at sixteen years old. The second one resulted in her having medical issues that she still deals with today. We ended up breaking up after the abortions. I never talked about the abortions until I married my wife.
“For many years, I have had shame and guilt and suffered from flashbacks. There were times when my pain was overwhelming. I can't put into words how He Found His Grace changed my life. I have finally found others who understand. I have found people who care for me and helped me walk through the hate I had. I used to not be able to talk about abortion. But now I can focus on healing and not hate."
Classes meet once a week. Click here to take the next steps in your recovery journey or text He Found His Grace at (574) 400-5272.

"I was shocked to find out that I was pregnant. This was not planned. At the time, it immediately created a crisis situation that left me feeling scared, overwhelmed, and anxious. not knowing where or who to turn to, I felt an abortion was the best option given my circumstances. After the abortion, I was not prepared for the emotions that were to come. It filled me with overwhelming anger, regret, guilt, and shame. For years, I locked the immense emotional pain deep inside me, attempting to cope with things that would only bring temporary happiness or relief. Years after my abortion, I was still struggling, and I found She Found His Grace. I learned they offered a healing bible study for post-abortion women. Women like me? Too good to be true! It wasn't, though! It was real, and it changed my life.
"Because of the study, I received God's forgiveness, grace, and mercy. I am now free from the chains of my abortion and can walk without guilt or shame. I am eternally grateful for God's compassion and my new tribe, which I found at She Found His Grace. I now have hope that God will use my painful experience for good — to help others choose life or receive the healing they desperately need." - Katie
"​I was pregnant at 16 and got married. My marriage began to crumble by the time my first child was born. I soon found out I was pregnant with my second child. I went to Planned Parenthood, where they played with my emotions and told me that they would 'take care of the crisis.' They gave me one option: abortion. I bit into their lies. I'll never forget the cold, dark, sterile rooms — you could feel death. The doctor had no bedside manners and was in a rush to move on to the next abortion. Afterward, my husband and I drove home in complete silence. To say this affected our marriage was an understatement.
"A few years later, we became Christians. I was pregnant with my third baby. Thankfully, God had given me another precious life. What I didn't realize was the terrible heartache I would face from the pain of my second baby's abortion. Grief overwhelmed me — I knew Jesus had forgiven me, but I couldn't get past the horr or what I had done to my innocent child. Guilt and shame covered me in silence for the next 40 years.
After hearing Serena's story, I wanted to help in the ministry, She Found His Grace. Serena told me I needed to go through the classes to experience true healing and that I had to bring my pain to light and stop hiding from my shame. God wanted to redeem my broken pieces for His glory. I graciously received healing, freedom, and redemption through She Found His Grace. My voice is no longer silent — I am restored!" - Dorie
"At 16, I was terrified when we found out we were pregnant. My first thought was abortion, but deep down, I regretted it immediately. Before I could talk to my girlfriend, her mom had already arranged everything, and it was done. The pain and guilt overwhelmed me, and our relationship fell apart. For years, I drowned my sorrow in alcohol and struggled with anger and shame. It wasn't until I attended a church banquet years later that I heard someone speak about how abortion affects men. That led me to He Found His Grace, where I finally began to heal. After 40 years of carrying this burden, I now understand God's forgiveness through Jesus Christ.I can finally look forward to meeting my child in heaven one day, with peace in my heart." - Barry
"August of 2022, I started He Found His Grace abortion recovery. Satan fought me every step of the way. I was finally able to find closure. I have finally found God's grace!" - Tony

Help Us Bring God’s Grace to Abortion Recovery
When you give today, you'll be supporting a Christian, pro-life healing ministry as we help men and women become unshackled from shame and guilt and encounter God's hope, healing, and forgiveness after abortion.
Your support helps people find their healed voice so that they, in turn, can help others heal. Together, we can facilitate individuals’ recovery and fight to end abortion by addressing the emotional needs of those it wounds.
Give a single gift or support She Found His Grace monthly by joining our Friends of She Found His Grace.