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Tony’s Story: Gods Grace

My story begins when I was in my late teens. met a young lady and we started dating. Before long we became pregnant I don't remember how the topic of abortion came up. I had no idea what abortion consisted of. I only knew it ended a pregnancy, and I thought it was an end to a problem. She had plans to go to college and being pregnant was

not in her plans. I took her to the clinic and waited for her while she had the abortion.

When we left, I remember people being outside of the clinic. They were calm and caring. I will never forget that.

A few months later we found out we were pregnant again. I believe Curtis would have been born in May of 1985. Because of the last abortion. This time I was 100% against abortion. She went to her parents this time to have the abortion which resulted in her uterus being punctured causing her to get an infection that went to her brain. She ended up having seizures and memory loss that she still deals with today. We broke up after that and I never mentioned the abortions to anyone until I met my wife.

For many years I had pain, regret, shame, and even flashbacks. There were many times the memories would hit me so hard I would start crying. Seeing Things seemed overwhelming at times. The leaders at HFHG would talk to me, text and even 3 way call me. The He Found His Grace team showed me love. At times I was ready to quit, block them, delete their numbers, and get them out of my life. But God had a plan and he was using them to fulfill it. I just was not ready to take the class until one Sunday my pastor preached on bitterness. God revealed that I was bitter. Not with others, but myself.

August of 2022 I started He Found His Grace Abortion Recovery. Satan fought me every step of he way. I was finally able to find closure. I have finally found God's grace!

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