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Todd’s Story: Heavy Weight Lifted

I had carried around such a heavy weight for years, and I didn’t even know. Before I knew God, I handed

out a Plan B contraceptive because it seemed like the

“right” worldly thing to do. We were both young, with busy and promising futures. We were both in college, not married, and didn’t think too hard or long about “just playing it safe.” Years later, I found Jesus, or rather, Jesus found me. An opportunity presented itself for me to participate in the He Found His Grace Ministry. This time the “just to be safe” mindset was with an eternal perspective. With each class, and thanks to help from class leaders and fellow participants I related with, I began to dig in and pray deeper. It wasn’t until one of the later weeks in the class that the Lord revealed a name to me, which suddenly made this journey all too real. I could no longer question or doubt my part in an abortion experience. The final memorial service, I was an absolute wreck. I walked out of the memorial service that day with deep, needed healing, and feeling noticeably lighter. I’m truly thankful for this study, as well as the forgiveness and grace of our Lord God. My daughter now has a name, Angelica Fay, and testifies to God.

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