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Mitzi’s Story: Freedom In Christ

I had my abortion out of fear and lack of support.

The experience was horrifying!! I felt like a sheep being led to slaughter, like an animal being herded from one room to the other … all alone.

I ultimately ended up in the recovery room and at that moment I realized I bought the biggest lie and there was no way to get my baby back. All I could do was cry.

I was writhing in pain, it felt like someone was repeatedly stabbing me in my abdomen.

The consequences of my abortion lead to 20+True years of deep mental and emotional anguish including thoughts of suicide , depression, self-  hatred, shame, guilt, and condemnation.

Since I began counseling in February through

SHE FOUND HIS GRACE, a ministry for abortion recovery, I have experienced a freedom that I’ve never really known.

I am in awe at the amount of support that I’ve received through the counselors and fellow post abortive women.  I am so grateful to Serena Dyksen for her “YES” and to God for the opportunity to experience true freedom in Christ Jesus once I have completed counseling. I cannot wait to help other post abortive women experience the same freedom I have.

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